Friday, October 16, 2015

Hinson Lake 24 hour ultra September 26 & 27 2015

Me and my kiddos at Hinson lake at our canopy b-4 the race
It has become a yearly tradition for me to show up in late September to a small lake in Rockingham county with about 300 of my closest friends.  Its a family reunion of sorts.  Some of my favorite people are there - most as 'out there' as me!  

Last year I was shooting for 100+ and blew up magnificently.  Total miles was about 75.  No such lofty goals for this year.  Show up and run and have fun.  

This year looked like it was going to be WET.  We have had days and days of
math for ultra runners - so true!! ha!
rain.  The sun didn't shine for nearly 2 weeks in that time period.  

I couldn't get any more time off from work to leave early for this race.  Funny, every other day I took off work was for running events - lol!  Running vacation days are the best!

Kathy got out of work at her regular time as well so she, I and my 3 kiddos drove to Rockingham bout 7:30 Friday night.  

The weather was horrible.  I couldn't see where standing water was and didn't want to hydroplane.  Slow goin.  Not a fun drive, but in time we arrived safe.  

at Doom's camper
The plan was for me and my kiddos to set up a tent by the lodge with the rest of the campers.  Brad and Kathy didn't want any of that, so we camped out in their hotel room.  Kayla and I slept on the pull out couch and drew n ash slept on sleeping bags on the floor.  It was luxury accommodations compared to the wet camping!  A big thank you to you both for your kindness and hospitality :)

We woke up, got dressed and packed all our stuff in the Jeep.  Went to the office at the hotel and grabbed some breakfast.  *winning*

Brad had gotten there the day before and set up a canopy for us representing
running selfie!
NCRC.  We "moved in" and set up for the day.  

My "goal" for the day was to have fun, run with as many different people as I could, and log miles/time on feet.  First goal 42 miles for my 42nd birthday, or just get in a respectable ultra distance - 50K.....  just going to see how the day goes. 

Thankfully the weather was really good.  It was overcast but not raining.  Definitely doable!  

My kids were running some that day too.  Let them do their own thing and run with whoever.  Drew found a running partner with Jessicas son.  They were having a great time logging miles together :)  

drink it up buttercup!  its my b-day - cheers!
I spent a lot of laps with Heather.  We talk and txt all the time, and used to get together more often during the summer, so it was good to have some good catching up time.  And she brought me a birthday gift.  And I shared it - with a lot of friends - lol!  

Another friend who I logged a lot of laps with was Susan.  It was good to catch up with her too.  

So round about noon which is a reasonable time for the weekend, Heather and I broke into the gift she gave me ;)  and we made a lot of friends along the way.

It was not too long after the birthday present came out that the Gnomes started
what is this gnome up to?!?
moving mysteriously around the lake.  HA!  and who brought that cat?  So funny to see where they ended up - right Ray K?  he he he

I was having a lot of fun talking, running, walking and yes, drinking...  My goal had changed from 42 miles to getting in a 50K before the sun went down.  Its hard to log big miles in the midst of a party.  And when your youngest is about done and ready to go home...

Managed to finish up the miles and burn off the carbs.  The last few laps were painful.  My knee and the tendons on the backs of my knees were really hurtin.  This was the furthest distance I have run all year and by far the longest I have been on my feet.  

So that's about it... more pictures than words with this blog post.  Sometimes pics can say it better than my few words anyway.  


Susan and I
the boys running

the boys!

John and I

Complete Shenanigans!  Sriracha!
my incredibly sore knee!  swollen feet and knee... It was better within a few days.  Its all better weeks later